OLED driver for Micro-controller using FPGA
Introduction In this tutorial we are going to design OLED driver for micro-controllers which has less memory .In OLED tutorials we have interfacing of I2C OLED display with micro-controller. We used Arduino as a microcontroller. Arduino has ATMEGA328 micro-controller which has 32kb flash memory and 2kb RAM so while programming we were not considering memory as a critical resources. But if we want to interface OLED to low cost micro-controller there will some major challenges . let's see what are these problems Problem 1) For storing small and large English font & large Devanagari font , it requires nearly 17kb flash memory so microcontroller need to have flash memory greater than 17kb. But low cost microcontrollers like STM8S, ATTiny85/45 etc. has flash memory around 8kb. So ...